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Turkish Angora Cats

have a History dating

back to the 1400's

Picture Turkish Angora Cat

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What is the Best Diet for the Lifelong Health
of your Turkish Angora?

By: Jane R. Bicks

The Turkish Angora cat breed is a tall feline that is
sociable, trainable, and an absolute long haired beauty with
a coat that shimmers when it moves.

He enjoys playing, hunting, and even taking a
splash in the tub now and then.

High biological value protein and fat are essential
as is a good daily hair supplement.

The Ultimate Cat Food for your Turkish Angora Breed

Vegetable enzymes will ensure a good coat and
help break down hair balls as they form. In any
event give a hair ball treatment two or three
times a week between meals.

My Suggestion for Hairball Treatment

Avoid giving your cat foods with dyes in them. These
can dis-color your Turkish Angora's coat.

Turkish Angora - the Oldest Breed of Longhaired Cats
By: Alfred and Baby Kitty

Longhaired cats roamed the streets of Turkey's capital city,
now known as Ankara, for many centuries. In the early part
of the Twentieth Century Turks wisely decided to preserve
their beloved Angoras, which were being inbred into
extinction, by setting up a closed breeding colony in the
Ankara zoo. The Turkish Angora is still considered a
national treasure in Turkey.

The preference in this breeding program was for solid white
cats with blue or amber eyes, often one of each color in one
cat, and such cats are still prized, although the breed can
now be seen with many typical colors and patterns of coat.
Because of Turkey's love of this breed, the Turkish Angora
still lives to entertain and enrich the lives of the many
who love the breed.

According to the breed standard, the Turkish Angora is a
small to medium sized cat with a fine, silky coat of medium-
long length and no undercoat. The body type is elegant and
graceful and the bone structure is fine, not heavy like the

Turkish Angoras are intelligent, adaptable, curious, very
friendly and athletic cats. Pet Turkish Angoras are often
found in the highest place in the room, on the mantelpiece,
or even balancing on the top of an open door. They are
usually quite playful and will hunt any moving thing that
gets into the house, from moth to mouse.

Individual cats of this breed are often vocal, but they
don't have a high voice like the Siamese. Your Turkish
Angora may follow you about the house interestedly, or ask
what you are doing, or it may play for hours with a paper
bag and its toy mouse if you are not ready to play.

Turkish Angoras are a generally healthy cat breed. Health
issues to watch out for include deafness, more common in
white cats, and skin allergies. Skin allergies are most
often related to hormones and may often be alleviated by
spaying/neutering the cat.

Grooming your Turkish Angora is fairly easy, even though its
hair is long. The silky coat seldom mats. Simply comb it
with a fine-toothed comb or slicker brush a few times per
week to get rid of any loose hair and help to prevent
hairballs and your Angora will remain beautiful.

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Charming Gift Ideas for Turkish Angora Cat Lovers

Home 4 Pets

By: Tippy & Alfred who just have so much fun making
interesting web pages like this one to provide you with top
quality information on subjects like Turkish Angora Cats.
And, they really appreciate your visiting their site and wish
for you and your pets only the best in prosperity and happiness.