Preventing Equine deaths from the West Nile Virus
The Pet-zine for Pet People
August 13, 03
West Nile Virus. Are your horses at risk? What can
a horse owner do to protect their horses against
the West Nile Virus?
We've got the answers for you.
If you have any questions on the West Nile Virus and how
it can affect your dog, cat, or other small pet, or horse, or
humans,'s a very good web site for you:
We have over 250 pages of horse related information and
care articles and tips on our site, please feel free to take
advantage of our extensive library.
Horse Health Care
Horse Sports & Horse Training
Check out our site map for all pet related information!

Fleas are a common subject, especially this time of the year.
What to do about them?
We've got a couple of good articles on flea control for you below,
and a Warning!
Natural Flea Control
All About Fleas
Dear Tippy & Alfred,
I have a beautiful Broken Coated
Jack Russell Terrier named
Stella Jessica. She has a HORRENDOUS problem with fleas.
The other dogs are safe when she is around, because the fleas
just prefer her.
I have done EVERYTHING, holistically and allopathically to
help her with this problem. Yesterday, in desperation as she
was chewing herself bloody, I bathed her and used Hartz
Mountain flea control in the little green tube. This morning
to my horror, she could barely walk.
I immediately washed her and rinsed her in a mixture of lemon
juice and Witch Hazel and gave her Distilled water and Colostrum.
Several hours later, and an emergency trip to my Vet, she is fine.
This has happened before, but I was told that it was because
the dog was elderly and the dose too high. Stella Jessica weighs
20 lbs, is 4 years old and was given a dose for dogs up to 15 lbs.
I will never use this stuff again, and I think it needs to be removed
from the market. I can only wonder how many dogs it has killed
or crippled. It is supposedly safe, but there must be extremely
high levels of nerve and neurotoxins in it to affect a dog this way,
imagine what the correlating product does to cats!
Perhaps a word of caution in Peppy Pets as to "over the counters"?
Thanks for all your wonderful newsletters, they are a life
affirming joy each day!
Yvonne Kleine N.D., Ph.D
Maggie the Deaf Calico Kitty that now can
When I arrived at North Shore Adoption, I was looking for a
quiet, gentle kitten about 7 months old. Instead my friend
encouraged me and literally twisted my arm to adopt this
feisty cat, who at the time was mostly black in color with
these huge really green eyes that pierced at you. She was
working around in her cage slapping anything that came too
I stood there looking at her for a least a half hour, to
make sure that she would grow on me and boy did she. She
cried on the way home like a baby, I guess because she was
locked up with these strange people. One month later I
found out that she was deaf, her acoustic nerve was damaged
according to the Vet and she would never be able to hear.
Well my herbalist said no way, we will make her hear, almost
two years later and lots of brewers' yeast she hears quite
well. She is a beautiful mixture of gold and black with a
huge white area under her tummy and about 18 lbs. She is as
smart as a whip and moody as the woman she is. She is so
haughty and very fussy about what she eats and who she plays
with. She loves chocolate, but I am smart enough never to
give it to her at night, because she wants to stay up
playing all night and when I don't respond she pulls the
blanket off of me. Forget about ignoring her while you're
on the phone, she takes it out of your hand.
I remember telling her to go to bed and instead of going to
hers as she was already in mine, she stared at me for a
moment and then came and 'spooned' me with her head on my
pillow and the rest of her body fitting into mine. She is
the most adorable cat I've ever had and I love her like I
would a child of my own. When she gets a cold or feels sick
I am out of my mind, she is extremely pretty and people have
offered me lots of money for her (ardent cat lovers).
She is my pride and joy and I hope to spend many more years
with her at my side.
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