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Recognizing the

Symptoms of Canine


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Arthritis Symptoms found in Dogs - Part 1
By: Tippy

As dogs age they begin to suffer some of the same symptoms
that humans do in old age, such as weakened hearing, sight,
smell, and increased pain. Dogs seem to suffer these changes
with more calm acceptance that we do, and because animals
usually don't show pain unless it is extreme, you may not
realize that the reason your dog is moving more slowly is
because it is in pain.

The symptoms associated with Canine Arthritis are not as
apparent as one might think. In most cases this disorder
isn't really diagnosed until the dog is at a more advanced
stage of the disease where the Arthritis is actually
impairing movement.

In the beginning stages of the disease fluid gathers on the
joints and pushes the bones into wrong positions. The
swollen joint causes damage to the joint cartilage as well,
and results in pain on movement. As the disease progresses,
joints become swollen and deformed, and movement becomes
even more painful.

Canine Arthritis is nearly impossible to reverse. The only
way it can really be managed is through the administration
of pain medications to manage the pain associated with the
disease. If your dog has several factors that would point to
its developing Canine Arthritis it is important that you
know the warning signs so that you can start treating the
disease early rather than late.

Listed below are some of the most common symptoms associated
with Canine Arthritis. If you see these symptoms in your
dog, tell your veterinarian about your concerns and have him
or her x-ray the dog for bone and joint deterioration. If
the diagnosis is Canine Arthritis, work with your vet on a
treatment plan specialized for your dog. Read our articles
on canine arthritis prevention also.

Laziness or Inactivity:

Dogs that have to deal with constant pain in their joints
are not very enthusiastic to get up and do anything but
sleep all day long. A dog that might have Canine Arthritis
will lie all day in its favorite spot and will be extremely
reluctant to move from that spot. If your dog was once
active and willing to play all day long this laziness may
very well be associated with arthritis.

Leg Pain:

Try to get your dog to stand on its hind feet only. If it
can just barely do so then it can indicate Canine Arthritis.
Some dogs can walk on their hind feet when they are young.
If your dog now can't do such a thing or even stand on its
hind legs, then may have Canine Arthritis. Canine Arthritis
eventually cripples the joints so they can't straighten or
move like they once did. If you can catch the Arthritis
early then you can do a lot more for your arthritic dog
than if it is caught too late.

Please see "Symptoms of Canine Arthritis - Part 2" for more

Find out why Tippy no Longer has Arthritis

Discover why Here

See also:

Keeping your Dog & Cat Healthy

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