Peppy Pets
Dec. 04, 03
Purring is just too ordinary for my Himalayan Cat Sophie
I have had my tortie gray Himalayan, Sophie, for 9 years
(she was almost 3 when I got her), and I tell her I love her
all the time. We usually spend anywhere from a few minutes
to as long as a half hour doing "kitty luvs" as I lay in
bed in the morning. I lay on my back, and Sophie lays on top
of my chest as I strike her fur from the top of her head to
the tip of her tail. She loves this and to be
rubbed/scratched all around her face and ears. She responds
by "humming" (purring is too ordinary for my baby), and when
I get that Himalayan coo out of her, then I tell her she's
"singing"! If I make kissy noises and pucker my lips,
she'll often give me a big wet kiss! (I guess you have to
really love a kitty to not think that's gross...)
My favorite way of communicating love to Sophie is with my
eyes. If I look at her and tell her I love her and close my
eyes (a long blink), she'll respond likewise, and it's just
the sweetest thing, because I know she's telling me she
loves me too! She often stretches out in the middle of the
floor, because she knows I can't pass by her without getting
down next to her to rub and/or kiss that sweet, fluffy
tummy. She's such a tease!
I just got a bunny - Princess Eowyn - a couple of months
ago, and she is so sweet that I have quickly grown to love
her, also. When I go out to the kitchen (where her cage
is) in the morning, she always goes crazy hopping around
until I lean down over her cage. She stands up with her nose
through the wiring and gets a kiss, too! When she sits on
the sofa with me, she loves to burrow her head into the
crook of my arm. I think she loves me too!
I have to go to work each day, so when I am home I like to
give both my babies a lot of love and attention. especially
before I leave home and after I've been gone. They're all I
have, so I can't help but love them so much!!!
Kelley Bible
Find out more about the Himalayan breed of cat
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Time's drawing short for the big day on the 25th.
Tippy and Alfred have been really busy putting together a
very special web site as a tribute to and thank you for
all the presents that Santa brought Dave and all of us
guys here at Pet Care Tips.
So we hope you'll really enjoy our Santa Claus site, it's for
kids and family to enjoy.
In fact we have a page where the kids can send a letter to the
North Pole....we also have a Naughty or Nice meter that will
tell your kids....(and you!)
if you've been good or bad this year.
Plus there are lots of pages with Christmas stories, trivia,
history, Christmas movies, and Christmas carols.
I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your
newsletter. I read them and get a lot of good information
out of them. Now to answer your question, do I tell my
animals that "I Love Them" Yes I do all the time. I have a
almost 3 year old Australian Shepherd named Slingshot and a
cat who is about 10 years old whose name is Thumper. They
are just like children and I love them very much.
Thanks again for your newsletters. Keep them coming!!!!!!
Geneva Anderson
Baby & Blackie
You could ask any of my friends, I absolutely LOVE animals.
Pretty much all animals. The only animal I don't like are mosquitoes
and spiders. I don't like spiders because I got bit by 3 of them.
Baby is a purebred black cat. I got Baby about a year ago for
my 13th birthday. We have had some pretty exciting times, like
the time she got stuck under our couch!
Baby was good as a kitten, except she doesn't like to sleep
through the night. On May 25, at about 10:30 pm, Baby had kittens.
She had 3, 2 black and 1 white. My best friend, Kelly, and I were
so psyched because we got to watch.
Unfortunately, when the kittens were only 1 day old, my
got to the nest and killed two of the three kittens. We had a
very nice little funeral on the side of my house, where the kittens
were buried.
Even though we lost 2 of the kittens, I am still so happy for
Baby. She is also very happy to be a mommy, even though she's
still Baby. And in case you're wondering, we put up baby gates
so the dog can't get to the other kitten. The remaining kitten is a boy,
and we've decided to name him Blackie. Blackie is expected to
open his eyes tomorrow or the next day.
Within two weeks, Blackie will be wrecking havoc on our house.
He also will be learning to play, I mean USE the litter box. (ha ha)
The purpose of my story is to make sure not to let your dog get
to kittens. It's sad enough what happened to me and Baby, and
I wouldn't want it to happen to anymore blind, deaf, and weak,
hopeless innocent kittens like mine. Well, I hope you
enjoyed my story, because I enjoyed sharing it with you.
Sent in by Amy
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