Peppy Pets
Feb. 05, 04
Ethoxyquin as a Preservative in Dog and Cat Food
Go take a look at the ingredients you are feeding your canine
or feline friend.
If you see the word: ethoxyquin as a really
need to read the information on the below page.
Ethoxyquin as a Preservative in Dog and Cat Food
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Lobo my German Shepherd Loves his Popcorn
Donna Stork
My dog Lobo is the love of my life. He is 10 years old. He
is starting to limp a little now and I hate to think of the
day I will have to put him down. He still tries to run after
his tennis ball, but sometimes he knows he can't do it and
then he will come and stand by my side.
He is very spoiled and has a very good life and I have given
him a lot of love. He loves his treats but will only eat the
purina lamb and rice ones. One day I bought him some off
brand ones and I held it for him, he took it in his mouth
and spit it out. I then handed him a purina one and he took
it right away. Boy did I ever laugh.
I have even trained him to say I want one and when I show
people how he does this do they ever laugh and they tell me
that they did not believe me until they heard him say it.
All this for a Purina lamb and rice treat. Lobo has only
eaten Purina one Lamb and rice since he was a puppy. He had
all kinds of stomach problems when we first got him and the
vet told me to use Purina one Lamb and rice as her dog did
well on this food. She was right as Lobo never had problems
Well I hope you liked my story, time to go and feed Lobo. Oh
I forgot to tell you that he loves popcorn and every night
at 7:oo pm we have to have popcorn, he always knows when its
time and I still have not figured out how he knows. If I try
to ignore him He gives me the big stare down and starts to
wine or pull my slippers off. He has done this for 9 years
and still is not sick of popcorn, but I sure am ha ah. bye
for now.
We do Love Jake
My story all began five years ago, when my husband told me
about a women he knew that had some puppies that she had to
get rid of. She couldn't afford to keep them and said she was
going to drown them the next day if nobody wanted them. Well
all but one got a home. But I just couldn't live with the
thought of the poor little thing dying for no reason so I
made my husband go and get the pup.11:00 p.m. in walks Dennis
with a very scared "Jake". Jake not being house trained had
to say in the kitchen, but he cried. So I stayed there with
him sleeping on the kitchen floor for two weeks.
He then graduated to the kids old playpen at the end of our
bed, and now sleeps in bed with us. Over the years he has
become a very loved and spoiled dog, that I'm not sure knows
that he is a dog. He removes his dog collar before going to bed
at night (by himself), he wont go for a walk in the rain
without a raincoat and wont stay outside in the cold for
more than five minutes. Even when it is warm out if we aren't
outside with him, he doesn't want to be. Our lives just
wouldn't be the same without him. We love Jake more words
can ever say.
Connie Lynch
Joy's Pride and Joy
Sha-Lyn a 13 yr. old Chow Chow, devoted
& with me during the 17
yrs of my husbands illness died a yr to the date my husband
died. Lonely after three years of them being gone I decided
to try to get another Chow (black colored) Due to their
aggressive nature they could not be found in my area at all. I
had tried for months to locate a chow even out of state on
who looked like my sweet Sha-lyn. She was so sweet and would
listen to me and cry with me a very good natured dog.
One day I was going to town early morning to get back to do
my outside work on my 30 acres when I passed the humane
shelter which I had checked many times drove on by and a
voice kept telling me go back. Three miles down the rural
area I turned back (they were closed but I drove up and when
I did there they were. Two back Chows- I ran to the pen
walked up to them they were wagging there tails and licked
my hand I told them I would be back for them.
But to my dismay- they couldn't be adopted. Too soon I gave
them my name and went to the pen and told the dogs I would
be back for them. They were licking my hand and when the
female put her paw up on my arm I had tears in my eyes, Sha-
Lyn would do the same thing. The ladies told me at the
shelter if it was up to them they would let me take them
home now since they had come in the night before on log
chains but I had to wait 10 days.
Five days later I got the call away I went with new collars.
I got there they had them ready and the two dogs ran to me I
on my knee's said they will be my PRIDE & JOY. that is how
they got their names and we go back to visit the shelter . I
started their own scrapbook from adoption to home. They run
freely on the 30 acres and love home . Pride, he is such a
laid back dog and Joy she is the one always in mischief.
They love to roll in the grass with me. They are surely
Joy's Pride & Joy
Joy Lynn
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