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Breeding Goldfish - Goldfish females appreciate
a date done Right!

Mark Sturge

Breeding goldfish is actually a fair amount more difficult than
most people would think. Much like us humans, Goldfish are rather
particular about the conditions in which their little fishy
babies will thrive.

Like women, goldfish females appreciate a date done right. They
require proper mood lighting and temperature, a nice meal and a
romantic environment to get-it-on.

To breed your goldfish, these natural phenomena need to be replicated
in order to produce the proper conditions for healthy egg
production and maturation.

To get the best chances of success for you’re goldfish breeding,
improve the odds. Rather than tossing one girl and one boy fish
into the tank, use a two male to one female ratio. Using six
goldfish has pretty good possibilities, without overcrowding the
tank. The males and females should be kept separated until
spawning season, when they can all be joined in one big party.

Preparations for breeding goldfish should be taken approximately one
year prior to spawning season. During this time, it will be your
job as matchmaker to replicate the cycle in their natural
environment. During the fall, water temperature should be kept
cool; around 35-40 ºF and feeding should be reduced to three
times per week.

Dry fish flakes should also be combined with worms (fish sized
bites of course), duckweed and brine shrimp, which will help
produce healthy eggs. After a couple of months (i.e. the winter),
the water temperature should gradually be raised to 50-60 ºF,
thus simulating the pre-spawning stage. This stage can last four
to six weeks, giving you plenty of time to ever so slightly
increase food rations (but not too much) and increase the
temperature of the water without putting Goldie into shock.

For spawning to begin, the temperature of the water should be
around 65-70 ºF. To prepare for this special occasion, a spawning
mop or breeding pad should be placed on the bottom of the tank,
and extra plants should be put in the aquarium. The plants act as
magnets for the sticky eggs, making it easier for egg collection
and relocation. Once everything is in place, reunite your
goldfish buddies and let the romance begin.

After 3-6 hours, 500 to 2000 eggs will be released and
(hopefully) fertilized, and then it will all be over. Infertile
eggs, distinguishable by their white and hazy appearance should
be removed from the tank as soon as possible, while the amber
colored fertile eggs should be moved to another tank with the
same water temperature. After 3-5 days, the eggs will hatch and
you will be the proud parent of many hundreds of fry!

The parenting of goldfish fry continues well after hatching, so make sure
to inform yourself with information concerning feeding, bacteria
control and filtration. Best of luck!

Mark Sturge is webmaster of A site where
you can learn all about goldfish care as well as information and
hints for successful goldfish breeding

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