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Playful and full of Devotion: the Italian Greyhound Dog
By: Tippy

The Italian Greyhound is basically a tiny Greyhound, and it
has the same good qualities of gentleness and grace of the
larger breed. They got their breed name because of their
popularity in Rome, but toy Greyhounds have been abundant
and portrayed in the portraits of royalty all over the world
since the days of their origin in early Egypt.

This playful, intelligent and loving breed stands little
taller than a foot high and looks very fragile. The AKC
breed standard calls for this breed to be from thirteen to
fifteen inches (thirty-three to thirty-eight centimeters)
tall at the shoulder, and they have small, fragile bones, so
one primary concern in caring for your Italian Greyhound
will need to be protecting it from injury by being stepped
on or by being overlooked in some other way. For the same
reason, this breed is not a good pet for young children.

The Italian Greyhound's sleek, glossy coat requires little
care beyond wiping down with a soft cloth occasionally, and
they have little "doggy odor." The teeth should be kept
clean to prevent periodontal disease.

These dogs are devoted to their people and very intelligent
and so are sometimes fairly easy to housebreak and obedience
train, although separation anxiety can be a problem with
some Italian Greyhounds.

If you live in a cool climate or where the winters are cold,
you will want to keep a sweater on your dog when it will be
in the cold. The thin coat and little fat of their slim
bodies make them very vulnerable to the cold.

Because Italian Greyhounds are toy dogs they can get a lot
of their needed exercise by playing in the house and yard,
but they are still descended from working dogs and need
plenty of daily exercise to maintain their health
equilibrium emotionally and physically. Just be sure to keep
the dog from jumping from high places during play, to
prevent broken bones.

Dogs have strong social (pack) instincts and all dogs
instinctively need the daily "pack walk" with their leader.
It keeps their digestive systems working properly and makes
them feel secure in their place in the family group. Take
your dog on a daily walk and your housebreaking and other
training will go ever so much more smoothly.

But remember that sight hounds can't be trusted off leash in
unsafe areas, they will tear off after an interesting sight
or scent without thinking about it. And Italian Greyhounds
in particular like to take off in mad dashes for the sheer
fun of running fast.

Even the excellent temperament of the Italian Greyhound
won't prevent "small dog syndrome" if the owner coddles them
or isn't properly the leader. Don't let your dog's big eyes
and sweet ways tempt you to let it develop bad behaviors,
that won't be what is best for you or your dog. Be sure to
give your dog plenty of socialization from the earliest age
to prevent shyness, and be aware that these dogs are
emotionally sensitive and your dog will suffer emotionally
and physically if there is high tension in the household.

Italian Greyhound Dog

I Want your Italian Greyhound to be as Healthy as Possible
Dr. Jane Bicks

The sleek, petite, intelligent coursing Italian
Greyhound should look anything but frail.

It's muscular body and shiny coat requires a high
protein, high fat diet.

Italian Greyhound Dog Food Here

Oat, wheat, or barley grass, spirulina, or algae
added to the food will satisfy his antioxidant

Substitute veggies for biscuits, and give him an
occasional knuckle bone to keep him trim and his
teeth in good condition.

Natural Healthy Treats with a Delicious Taste your
Italian Greyhound will love

Take a Look at our Italian Greyhound Coffee Cups

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