Peppy Pets
June 23 03
One day in late December, my human mom went to the doctor
for a check up and the doctor asked her to contribute just
one dollar to the SPCA for pets without homes. She
mentioned this to my human dad and sister and they all
decided it was time to adopt a dog. They all agreed on a
Chocolate Lab. My mom went to the SPCA and told them what
she was looking for. There was one Chocolate Lab and she
fell in love with me.
The next day, they brought me home and I was a good dog. I
was about nine months old at the time. They named me
Mulligan because that is the term for a "second chance" when
driving a golf ball, and we live on a golf course. I didn't
have accidents in the house and never chewed anything except
the toys they gave me (but they gave me so many, sometimes I
got confused). They gated me for a couple of weeks, but I
didn't like that, so they let me roam the house. I still
didn't chew on anything and I still didn't have accidents.
My mom kept saying she didn't think I was a Lab, and she
took me to the Vet. They confirmed that I actually was a Pit
Bull (mix). My mom said she didn't want me any more because
Pit Bulls are bad. The people at the Vet's office said
there would be no charge for any visits if she would just
give me a chance for three more months. So, back home we
went. My mom always took me to the Vet and she always paid
the bill because she decided the family loved me too much to
give me up. And they all learned that Pit Bulls aren't
always bad. That was over three years ago. (I'm still a
very good dog).
The other dogs at the SPCA while I was there weren't so
lucky. There were over 30 Pit Bulls that had been abducted
by the police from a fighting dog ring. Most of them were
sick and they all had to be put down after the court trials.
My mom went to visit them and some people wanted to adopt
them, but they were all trained to be vicious and attack
anyone or anything that came near them, even the puppies.
Most of the humans involved went to jail. I'm glad
Mulligan and Susan Jacobson

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Dixie A True Leader of the Pack
I have always had animals and can not imagine life with out
them. I have decided that I do not live in a dirty house but
a clean kennel. My husband and I have the largest sled dog
kennel in New York State. We used to rescue sled dogs but
are way to full now. Also I am now on disability and we can
no longer afford to take in new abused animals.
We have rescued turtles in our master bathroom--- Little
Guy, Athena and Marilyn. It took 2-3 years to get Little
Guy's and Marilyn's shells healed. My family room is all dog
crates, The kitchen is for first aid and meals. The living
room is all birds and so is the spare bedroom. The dogs are
everywhere. 41 are either full or part time household
residents. The rest are outside.
The lizards and two people chairs and the TV share the
dining room. The poor cats get the left over nooks and
I have all kinds of stories. But right now it is not a happy
one. Our oldest lead dog Dixie is in the hospital with
breast cancer and it apparently has spread to her brain. So
tonight we are wrestling with the decision of putting her to
sleep. I am not handling that well. Dixie in her prime was
one of the top world sprint lead dogs. She has taught us
much of what we know. She has helped many troubled kids win
junior races after she was retired, giving them a boost in
self esteem and friendship. She has comforted a woman who
stayed with us after leaving her abusive husband. She helped
several recovering alcoholics and drug addicts learn
responsibility and work habits. She has taught many of my
dogs. She always has had great presence and no other dog has
ever been willing to challenge her or disobey her. She was
faultless as a leader and helped more than one musher out
tricky situations. The last few years she has been "aunt" to
many pups, both ones born here and ones rescued. I will miss
her greatly.
Catherine (Bili) Bilodeau-Redeye
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