Picture Tonkinese Cat

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Healthy Fuel for your Precious Tonkinese
By: Dr. Jane Bicks
A delightful, mischievous, quality combination of
Siamese and Burmese, the Tonkinese cat has basically
the same nutritional and supplemental needs
as both the Siamese and Burmese, but tends to
eat more than either.
Obesity can cause your Tonkinese cat serious
problems, so be careful not to overfeed.
See more about my Choice for Supplements and Food
No free cat food feeding either.
Also keep in mind that a Tonkinese, similar to a
Siamese, has a definite intestine-cleansing need
for fiber. If there are fiber insufficiencies in
your pet's diet, you're likely to find that there
will be insufficiencies in your sweaters, socks,
and towels as well.
Grow wheat grass so your cat can get enough healthy
fiber. These cats can have ocular discharge, so
an antioxidant formula or vitamin C is needed.
Catnip tea may help keep his chatter to a minimum.
More on the "Tonk" Tonkinese Cat
The Tonkinese is a cat that is medium-sized, and like the
Burmese and Siamese,
distinguished by having points. They
have gregarious personalities and are usually talkative,
friendly and lively. They do fine in apartments if given
enough exercise. The breed is often given the nickname
Depending on the historian you ask, the believed origin of
this breed varies. Some experts believe that the Tonkinese
breed is a cross between the Burmese and Siamese and is
relatively recent. Others ascertain that Tonkinese-like cats
have existed since the eighteen hundreds. The founding cat
in the West is believed to have actually been a hybrid-
colored Burmese named "Wong Mau". Wong Mau was small and
walnut colored, and was imported to California in 1930 by
Doctor Joseph Cheesman Thompson.
Some breeders say that the Tonkinese is closer in appearance
to the original Siamese before the triangular head and leggy
body became a hallmark of the Siamese breed. The name
Tonkinese probably isn't related to the Indochina Tonkin
region. In fact the breed probably was named in Canada and
was established there.
The breed name was originally spelled "Tonkanese," which is
in reference to an island in the South Pacific where "half-
breeds" suffer no discrimination. But because of the
geographical reference being mistaken, the spelling
gradually changed to the current spelling, by which the
breed is now recognized in the registering associations in
the United States.
The Tonkinese is a muscular cat that is often heavier than
it appears. They have been known to weigh up to twenty
pounds or more. They have oval shaped paws that are
distinctive, with wedge-shaped heads and large ears that are
set to the outside of their head.
The personality of the Tonkinese is winsome. This isn't
surprising considering the temperaments of the founding
breeds. Fans of the breed say that the Tonkinese has the
best traits from both breeds. It has a less sharp voice
compared to its Siamese founder although it is still
talkative and will try to let you know all the daily goings
on when you get home.
These cats crave attention and affection and return it in
ample supply. They make great companions with their joie de
vivre and playfulness with both their owners and interactive
toys. They are affectionate, curious, and intelligent and
love their owners. They are not hyper active though they can
get into trouble if left alone for long periods.