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Feline Vaccination Myths and Truths - Part 2
By: Alfred and Miss Patches Marie Kitty Cat
This is the second part in our series of myths and truths
about feline vaccinations. This article covers testing of
vaccines, risks of a vaccine reaction in your cat,
alternatives to feline vaccinations, how often to vaccinate
your cat, and should you trust your veterinarian when it
comes to vaccinating your cat.
Please read Part 1: Feline
Vaccination Side Effects,
along with these other articles we have about feline
vaccinations: Can Vaccinations cause Cancer in my Cat,
How to keep your cat safe during the vaccination process,
Benefits and risks of feline vaccinations, and
reactions after your cat has been vaccinated.
Myth Number 6: Vaccine manufacturers must put their new
vaccines through stringent tests and procedures to make sure
they are safe before they are released to the marketplace.
Truth: Vaccine manufacturers do have to go through safety
procedures and tests. But if these procedures are stringent,
how did SV40 get through to the end? How did the avian virus
get into the MMR vaccine? How did parvovirus come into being
and escape?
Myth Number 7: It's better to risk a vaccine reaction than
subject my cat to these deadly killer diseases.
Truth: In a healthy adult cat most of the diseases that they
are vaccinated against will cause sickness but not death.
Rabies is the exception.
Some of the diseases that are vaccinated against are
Parvovirus, Distemper and Leptospirosis. Parvovirus can kill
a kitten but rarely will it kill a full grown healthy cat.
Distemper is becoming rarer and rarer and it is reported by
many scientists and veterinarians that one vaccination is
enough to protect for several years and doesn't need to be
refreshed every year. Leptospirosis is very rare and it is
unlikely that the strain of Leptospirosis that your cat is
being vaccinated against will be the strain of leptospirosis
to which your cat may be exposed.
Myth Number 8: There is no reliable alternative to
Truth: Existing research and the experience of animal
natural health practitioners shows that the homoeopathic
nosode (small pills that are given at regular times) is as
protective, and possibly more protective, than injected
vaccines. And they are certainly safer.
However, to be fair, you should understand that neither a
vaccine nor the homoeopathic nosode offers guaranteed
protection against disease. A good diet is also a key, and
your cat's overall health and the strength of its immune
system are the best defense against any viral or bacterial

Myth Number 9: You should vaccinate your cat every year.
Truth: Annual vaccinations are not necessary, according to
many pet experts. Several American veterinary colleges, in
reaction to consumer pressure and fears over adverse
reactions, have announced that annual vaccination is
unnecessary. One veterinary college, at Colorado University,
said that annual vaccination has no scientific basis, and we
might as well have chosen 'every full moon' to stick the
needle in. The AAVMA official guidelines state that kitten
and puppy shots are enough, and vaccination is not necessary
after they are completed.
However there are also dangers to getting vaccinations for
your kitten as its immune system is still immature. This is
especially true when you are putting such a strain on that
immune system by vaccinating against several diseases at
once. Vaccinate when your cat is full grown and only use one
vaccination at a time and allow your cat to adjust.
Understand that until your cat is vaccinated it shouldn't be
allowed outside. It is generally recommended by feline
veterinarians that if you have a cat, it remain exclusively
an indoor cat to prevent many diseases, parasites and
Myth Number 10: My veterinarian knows best.
Truth: Doctors and veterinarians are not omniscient. They
know about pharmaceuticals, diagnosing, treating, and some
of them know about surgery. You are the guardian for your
cat and it is you that should do the research and make sure
that you are willing to take the risks of a life-threatening
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