Figurines for
Basset Hound
Totally Irresistible and Fun to Have Basset Hound Figurine!
This fun loving Basset Hound figurine is for good folks like
you who simply love the Delightful breed of Basset Hounds
as well as for hobby and serious collectors.
Collecting figurines is a popular hobby because they are
beautiful, creative, and usually inexpensive to acquire. Our
humorous Basset Hound will make a great addition to your
figurine collection or gift to a friend or loved one.
Basset Hounds got their name from the French words for
"rather low" and their short legs carried them into brush
and holes as they helped their owners with the hunt. But now
they are usually just someone's best friend.
The Basset has a sweet and affectionate nature and he craves
company. Buy this cute "rather low" fellow and he will
reward you greatly.
This little Basset Hound is doing its best to make you
laugh. And it is nearly impossible not to oblige it, since
its funny face and long floppy ears are so good at showing
its love of life and you.
See him at our friendly online store and while you are
there, check out all our other low priced Basset Hound
accessories, gifts, calendars and more, including
Bassett Hound Calendars,
Basset Hound Mugs, and
Bassett Hound Tote Bags

Get Your Basset Hound Figurine Here