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Pet Newsletter
Dec. 29, 03

Are You Interested in Making Some Extra Money
At Home Helping Pets

If you'd like to have some extra money coming in every month
to help pay those bills, or even have enough money to get
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Wouldn't that be great. Just think what you could do with
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My dog, Brutus is an American Pit Bull, who will be 11
years old October 14th. He lost his sight due to diabetes
last summer, which makes him very dependant on me to get
around. Every morning when I wake up I say "Where's my good
boy, I love you" and repeat this again before I go to sleep.
It's almost as though he understands, because he snuggles up
close to me and the tail starts wagging. He knows I love him
immensely, but hearing it makes it all the more special. He
is a very special dog to me - don't know what I would do
without him.

Bette O'Brien


I tell my dogs I love them and they are my sweeties
everyday. I think they enjoy it. I have two Rottweilers, one
female named Arky (got her on vacation in Arkansas) and one
male named Bear (he is huge.. as a Bear). They know
approximately thirty words. Including "cookie" which is
actually just a dog biscuit. The female tries to say

They are like my kids that never grow up.... :-)
M.D. Flanagan


I have a 2 month old kitten gizmo, 14 yr. old cat snowball,
a parrot Pie and a turtle named Mr. lovable. I hug the cats
and tell them I love them, talk to them all the time. I tell
my bird I love him. He talks so he says it back and I sing I
just called to say I love you to the turtle and he opens his
mouth and moves it while I sing to him. All living things
need comfort and love, my boys (the animals) are no



Yes I tell my animals I love them; especially my 2 cats,
Queen Elizabeth is almost 12 years old and a beautiful white
although anti-social cat. My newest cat is a 11 week old
tiger cat and we named her tiger lily. We also have a dog,
Max who is 11 years old and my husband's buddy, and he tells
him he loves him all the time :) We love them all but the
cats are mama's girls and max is my husband's boy :):) We
don't have any 2 legged kids just 4 legged ones.

Maureen Kilinski


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Where do cows go when they want a night out?

Where else but, .....t o the moo-vies!

Here We Go Again

I found my pet cat on my back porch one day in November. It
kept meowing so I went outside to try to scare it away. But
it still came back to my back porch. My wife said that it
look homeless so I got a cardboard box and fill it with left
over kittie litter and as soon as I let him in he went
straight to the cat litter box. I said to my self this cat has found
him a home for life.

Then about two month later my wife see this other cat just
laying down in the middle of the street. Thinking this cat
will get hit by a car my wife tries to get him off the
street by feeding him. I said to myself here we go again.

Now I have to cats but have no regrets. They are now official
members of my family. One a Calico and the other is a
Persian. How can somebody let two beautiful cats lose? I am
blessed we found these cats but feel sorry the hundreds that
don't find homes.

By: Sam Quinones

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