Peppy Pets: the Newsletter for Pet People
April 14, 04
The IRS, Tax Deductions and Your Pet
Well tomorrow is the deadline to get your US income taxes
filed. And you could have filed a tax deduction for your pets.
Are you aware that it is legal to be able to take a tax
deduction for your pets, their pet food, any and all
vet bills, collars, health supplements, grooming expenses
and so forth?
Plus tax deductions for a whole slew of other things.
Every year we deduct all the expenses we have for Tippy,
Alfred, the other cats, and even Shadow and Smokey our
Do you need some more really good tax deductions?
Our federal government is really good to home business
owners allowing them to take a tremendous amount of
deductions. Uncle Sam recognizes that viable home businesses
are the back bone of the economy and thus do everything
they can tax wise to help small business owners.
So, if you're in the market for a really good home business,
helping pets....and would like to be able to take your pets
and most of their expenses as tax deductions off your
income taxes, then check out our pet business
Yes, I do say I LOVE YOU to all 5 of my pets as they are
family members and all family members are told how much they
are loved! I have a 4 yr. old Pekinese
named Mei Mei. Her
brothers and sisters are felines. Merlin Wu a 5 yr. old
silver grey DLH, Arthur Pendragon, a black/white 4 yr. old
DSH, Guenievere Pendragon, a 2 yr. old
Ragdoll, and Morgana
Elizabeth a 3 yr. old orange flame point
All these animals came from the local shelter where I
volunteer. Morgana Elizabeth was found starving and flea
ridden and taken to the local shelter. She went from an
emaciated and semi-hairless cat to a magnificent long haired
butterball. She has many allergies and has to have special
food which contain none of the ingredients found in most cat
foods in supermarkets or pet stores. But because we love
her, we put up with the extra expense and are rewarded with
much lap sitting and purrs.
I cannot imagine a home without a pet.
Marge Wood
Princess Olympia
Trish O'Neal
I have a Blue-Seal Siamese Cat that is
18 years old. She was
given to me as a Birthday present. She has been my right
hand ever since. She has gray fur with dark around her
gorgeous blue eyes.
She is no doubt spoiled. She became a part of my family when
my two girls were small. They grew up with her. But she has
remained loyal to only one person and that is me.
She has been having bladder problems of late and it really
concerns me that it may be getting near time to have her put
to rest. I'm not sure I could do that. As with you, Princess
is and has always been my best friend. She loves me when I
cry and she plays when I am happy. Just don't interrupt her
normal routine (with grandchildren) or she will become very
I would not trade her for all the gold in the world.

What Breed Cat Do You Have?
Alfred and his feline buddies have just completed a whole
series of web pages featuring short articles written by
Dr. Jane Bicks on the special needs of each breed of cat.
Each page will also have pictures of each breed, plus
links to breed catteries, rescue groups and clubs.
Check out your feline friend's breed here:
Yes, Yes!! I tell my cat Whiskers quite frequently during
the day that "I love him". He is a real sweetie and is very
affectionate. He loves for me to take him outside. He will
sit inside our apartment by the door and meow and meow until
I take him outside. I walk him around (or should I say he
walks me!). I have a leash that is attached to his collar
like a leash on a dog!! He "leads the way" and I follow
him!! There are times when he decides to sit for awhile.
Soooooooo, I sit on the grass next to him and then when he's
ready - he gets up to walk more and "I follow". Yes, you
have it "My Whiskers rules"!!!!!!!!!
He is a tabby cat - taffy colored and a real gem. He is 12
years old. He gets treated like a human being. Right now, as
I write this he is lying on the floor next to me - waiting
for me to "brush him" which is done on a daily basis. Not
only frequently during the day do I tell him that I love
him, but also when I leave to go to work. He is quite a
talker too and many times responds to me when I talk to him.
When I come home from work he immediately get up and comes
to me and meows and meows. It's like he's saying, welcome
home, I missed you. So that's the story of me and my dear
A real cat lover, Nancy
Hello, I have a cat.....his name is Cosmo and I tell him
every day that I love him and that he is my baby. He will
mew back at me when I say I love you Cosmo. I know he
understands what I say......
From Margie, He also sleeps on my bed every night.
All cats can swim, and many are excellent fishermen. The ancient
Egyptians used cats not only as hunters of mice but as catchers
of fish as well.
Read more about characteristics of the cat family online here:
Read all Peppy Pets