Peppy Pets
Oct. 21, 04
Cheyenne the Black and Tan Trucker Dog
Linda Schertz
Cheyenne came to us at about 10:00 one evening. Our daughter
brought her to our house saying some kids were giving away
these puppies. The kids gave the pup to our granddaughter
and no one knew where the kid lived. She was only about 1
1/2 weeks old! I made up an emergency puppy formula until I
could get to the feed store for the right formula. We only
intended to keep her till she was old enough to eat on her
own, about 6 weeks. However, she had other ideas!
She nuzzled her way into our hearts and lives! My husband
and I are truckers and she is a trucker dog! She loves to go
on the truck. When my husband and I were running separate
trucks we would occasionally meet up at a truck stop. And she
KNEW it was his truck when he pulled up before she ever saw
him! She is very obedient on the road. She knows all the
rules! She is also very protective of "her" truck! In the
truck, anyone coming near it she turns Cujo! But outside the
truck, she is just as sweet as soda pop!
But she is part hobo dog! Always looking for a handout, of
food that is! She has been all over the country, from border
to border and coast to coast! She loves getting to smell all
the different places! She must have blood hound in her
somewhere! I have never seen a dog that loves to sniff like
that one! And it isn't all show! She can smell a piece of
chocolate at 20 yards!
My husband and I take turns driving the truck (one of us is
home while the other is on the road) but she is always with
me. And when I have to spend the night somewhere other than
a truck stop I never have to worry! I have the best truck
alarm in the business! So if you see a big red truck go by
with the cutest little black and tan dog riding shotgun,
give her a wave, she always answers with a few barks!

We have a new section on our web site that covers
a lot of topics on taking care of rodents for pets.
We are looking for some really good rat jokes, squirrel
jokes and other rodent jokes.
Take a gander over there and discover some interesting
stuff about pet rodents including:
rats, squirrels,
sugar gliders,
gerbils and mice.
Go Here for Rodent Care
I have three dogs three cats and one rabbit. It is hard to
take them on vacation and I am not fond of kennels. So my
Mom and dad come to my house and pet sit all my pets. They
love my parents and have a good time even if we are not
My parents buy the cats and rabbit new toys and play with
them a lot. The dogs they take for small day trips and long
walks that are at different places then what their use to.
My parents say that my pets are on vacation with them.
My pets never have to leave their house and my parents love
staying at our home. When we come home all our pets are glad
to see us. We know that they had fun and lots of love while
we were gone. It is so nice to be able to go away and know
that all of our pets will be loved and well cared for. my
pets know when we are packing but as soon as they see my
parents they are fine.
I have two Bouviers and
a toy fox terrier and three tom
and a floppy ear rabbit. We love them all. Without my
parents I would be unable to go away. I will be interested
in the way other families take vacations who have a lot of
We have tried in the past to include our dog but it is very
hard to find place that will take larger dogs. Our dog does
not do well in kennels. So, we end up having family watch
him while we are gone.
Brenda Binnig
We travel with two Dogs and three Cats in a motor home and
they all get along just great. Cats are wonderful ( yes I
love my dogs) because they are pretty much able to care for
them selves. The other kids (dogs) have to be walked at rest
areas every couple of hours. But that is good as we need to
stretch our old legs about then too. Cats take up very
little room, however my other Babies are rather large, one
weighs in at 125 lbs and the younger one is about 60 lbs.
We wouldn't even consider putting them in a kennel, they go
with us or we do not go! They have all been to
Fortwilderness at Disney World several times and even have
Mickey Ears to wear when they go out to the Doggy Walk. The
little one has gotten to recognize some of the places we go
and she gets very excited and starts to talk when we go to
Thank you
Traveling with 5 four legged Kids
Kathryn Omel
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